I went to seek chiropractic work to address an injury that I had after I broke my collar bone.I was asked what other things troubled me and I mentioned that I had had ADHD ever since I was a child; high blood pressure for the past 10 years; and weakness with my grip.I was taking medication for all three conditions, and I was addicted to several prescription narcotics.My health was gradually getting worse.The injury was affecting my posture and my work.After starting care in the office, I was able to get off all of my medications and it was a huge relief.I was able to focus on my health by exercising more regularly, eating right, and taking vitamins.Everything in my life is better.I had no doubts that chiropractic care would be useful but I had no idea that it would extend so deeply!I am a new person because of it and I recommend it to people all of the time.

Imagine being 14 years old sitting in a choir class.Everything is going great!You’re singing your heart out, hanging with your best friends.All of a sudden your heart starts pounding, your fingertips go numb, and your whole body starts shaking.This was my first anxiety attack, and I would start to experience this horrible feeling for up to 5 times a day for a year after that.Dealing with these attacks and trying to get through an already complicated teenage life.I went to see Dr. Michael and I learned that my neck curved the wrong way… the source of my agony.After a month of care, I was down to having one attack per day.Now I’ve had over one year free from attacks!I remember telling everyone in the office and all of us cheering together.It brings tears to my eyes just writing that.I owe my freedom to my heroes at ADIO Chiropractic and feel blessed to be a member every single day!

I had been suffering from neck and lower back pain.I also had numbness through my right hand and fingers.I’d suffered with this for years, and found some relief through physical therapy.My first impression of the office was great, and I had no doubts that chiropractic would help.Dr. Michael and his staff are very professional and friendly.My neck and lower back are feeling much better, and I no longer have any numbness through my hands and fingers.I would recommend chiropractic to others who are sick, suffering or in pain because Dr. Michael is awesome.

Jared had been fighting high blood pressure for a couple years, and his primary doctor was starting to talk about trying to regulate it with medication.Kara had severe headaches often and struggled to find relief.Kara was able to eliminate the use of pain killers that she had previously used for her headaches as a result of being under principled chiropractic.They had their doubts about it at first, but once they started seeing results rather quickly they said, “Dr. Michael has been a real blessing to our family!We have and will continue to recommend the practice to our friends.”
We started seeing Dr. Michael for a variety of health benefits.I (Kara) was suffering from severe headaches about 3 to 4 times a week, and I needed to take medications in order to manage the pain.I was hoping that it would help with my hypothyroidism that was brought on by pregnancy.Our first examination was very thorough, and Dr. Michael explained what was causing our troubles.Within weeks my headaches descreased and my energy increased.After a few months it was rare that I would get a headache and it continues to be that way!When the kids first started coming in it seemed like they were getting sick all of the time, but now all three of them are much healthier.Within the first year they were only sick once, and got well very quickly.I was skeptical of chiropractic working for other health issues and meeting the needs of my family, but now I’m a firm believer in it and I strongly recommend it to all.

I have had severe scoliosis since I was born and I started seeing a chiropractor when I was in kindergarten.I was put into a back brace, and when I stopped growing at the age of 12 I had a spinal fusion.As a result, I’ve been in extreme pain for most of my life.The fusion helped to realign my spine and prevent further curvature, but it did not help with my sciatica, muscle imbalances, and chronic pain.Physical therapy, massage therapy, and pain pills failed to help me.I figured I would have to live with chronic pain for the rest of my life.I was sad, but I learned to accept it as my new reality.The first time I came into ADIO Chiropractic I was surprised by the positive atmosphere and the kind staff.I was surprised that I was only assessed and not adjusted on my first visit because my previous experiences had involved treatment before I was thoroughly assessed.I looked forward to my adjustments because I started to feel better and noticed a significant decrease in my daily pain level.My athletic abilities began to increase and after about 6 months I realized I no longer even thought about the pain.My quality of life improved and I recommend chiropractic to every one due to my life changing results.

Within 4 months of care, I stopped taking thyroid medication because my thyroid starting funcitioning on its own again.My migraines are now few and far between, and I no longer take narcotics for pain relief.My acid reflux has improved entirely as well.I have three generations of my family under care in the office as well!We are so thankful for this chiropractic team because it’s such a special place!

Bailey had extreme headaches and migraines at least once a week.They kept her awake at night and inhibited her ability to focus.Her primary care doctor was unable to locate the cause of her symptoms.After starting care in the office she no longer has migraines, and if she does have a headache then they only occur about one time a month.Bailey believes that anyone that struggles with any health problems should seek chiropractic care.

Jared had been fighting high blood pressure for a couple years, and his primary doctor was starting to talk about trying to regulate it with medication.Kara had severe headaches often and struggled to find relief.Kara was able to eliminate the use of pain killers that she had previously used for her headaches as a result of being under principled chiropractic.They had their doubts about it at first, but once they started seeing results rather quickly they said, “Dr. Michael has been a real blessing to our family!We have and will continue to recommend the practice to our friends.”

My life was crippled with chest pressure, stiff neck, shoulder pain, chronic lower back pain, hot flashes, toe numbness, and bladder leakage.I was having bad headaches almost daily.I was evaluated by a gynecologist and a neurologist and was receiving hormones for the hot flashes.I really needed help!Although I still have occasional hot flashes, they are much less intense and fewer after the adjustments.The headaches are almost completely gone.My bladder is leaking less along with the numbness in my toes.

Deborah suffered for over 20 years from Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Sciatic, and High Cholesterol.She was in so much pain that it was starting to affect her sleep and ability to focus at work, which eventually forced her to retire early.In her search for help she turned to various doctors such as other chiropractors, physical therapists, and rheumatologists for answers.They placed her on heavy pain medications and eventually started administering shots as well, yet she still found no relief.She says, “my fibromyalgia is really under control.I’m on medication but I feel 80-90% better than I did before.I spend a lot more time doing activities with family and I do not get as tired.I exercise more too.I never found anything to help manage the pain.Chiropractic has helped me when other methods didn’t, and I would refer Dr. Michael!”

Kathy initially had stiffness, pain, and occasional flare-ups from her Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).Her RA was so severe that she required medications and therapy in order to be able to walk without limping.She had doubts chiropractic would help, but after two years of being under chiropractic care her RA is gone, and only has occasional bouts.She’s able to be active and go out with her husband without having any problems.Kathy is also excited that she no longer has to take as many medications.She refers people who are having any kind of health problems to our office.

Darla sought care for over 20 years from traditional chiropractors for her lower back pain, leg numbness, headaches, and a burning sensation in her shoulder.She would receive temporary relief, but eventually the problems would always come back.After being under Principled Chiropractic care with Dr. Michael, she says “my results are amazing and LASTING!I have truly enjoyed my care.I am grateful for my amazing results, and I thank God for bringing me to your office.I was getting depressed because of the deterioration of physical health and didn’t or couldn’t see a resolve to feel better.After a year (of care) I feel better than I have in the last five!”